In November 2016 over 100 trade union delegates, representing twenty nine unions and three million members from all over Europe, gathered in a historic first meeting in Brussels to challenge the EU and European governments’ complicity with Israel and establish a cross European platform in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

During the seminar trade union delegates took part in 5 thematic workshops and 3 plenary sessions. The group at each workshop came out with a number of action points to be implemented in campaigns organised by trade unions in their respective countries. The seminar was also addressed by Palestinian trade union leaders about their struggle for justice and equality. Representatives from PGFTU, GFIU, the Arab Workers Union, the New Unions and Telecommunication Union were all active participants in the discussions. The seminar was also addressed by expert speakers on the political economy of the occupation, and on the multiple ways in which the Israeli state benefits from EU financial and political support. During the two-day seminar we looked at concrete steps to strengthen ties between the European and Palestinian trade union movement; discussed and shared ways in which trade unions are effectively campaigning to pressure the European Union, governments, institutions and businesses to end their support for Israeli violations of workers’ rights, human rights and international law and explored possibilities for coordination and joint work between trade unions and trade union activists across Europe.

The delegates also brought this new trade union initiative into the streets of Brussels by holding a protest rally displaying the campaign banner.

Read the full report from the conference in EN and FR

Watch the video: